
Birth Announcement

Originally uploaded by jumpforsoy.

Isaac Henry, was born on March 27 at 2:59 pm. He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and measured 21 inches long. Despite trying for a midwife assisted water birth for nearly 16 hours, we ended up having to have a C-section. In the end our experience turned out to be very positive. The nurses, staff and doctors at Concord Hospital were absolutely wonderful, and we got to have 3 days and nights of quality time with Isaac (whom we like to call Zeke) that we wouldn't otherwise have had. Isaac wasn't phased at all by his hospital experience - he is bright-eyed, curious, super-happy and healthy. He has already shown us his social (non-gas) smile, he's lifting his head and tracking sound and action with his eyes. We think he is an old soul just like his sister, Amelia, who loves being a big sister.

Tracy & Adam Nudd-Homeyer

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