Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet
You’ve been putting it off for quite a long time; but today you’ve decided to clean out your medicine cabinet. Once you follow these simple tips, you won’t have to do this again for a year.
Take everything out of the cabinet and put them into a box. Clean the inside with white vinegar. Sit at your kitchen table and go through each item one by one. Check your medicines first. Throw out any outdated prescriptions. Remember to remove the label on all of them. The general rule of thumb is to throw out anything that is old, since their effectiveness is diminished. Perhaps you have accumulated two or more of one product. Check the expiration labels and keep the newest one and throw out the old. After you have finished going through the box, it’s time to put back whatever is left. The good news is now is the perfect time to organize your medicine cabinet.
Depending upon the size of your medicine cabinet, you may want to prioritize those items you use on a daily basis, such as: deodorants and razors, which you can keep on the first shelf. You may want to use plastic cups to keep your Q-tips in; or disposable razors as well. Arrange all ointments and creams on another shelf, such as Neosporin and the like. Medicinal products can be put on the top shelf. It depends on your preference. Glass bottles, however, should be kept on the first shelf. Replace whatever creams or ointments you threw out, and any other necessary items you need to have on hand. For example; over the counter antacids; vapor rub; cough syrup; toothpaste; toothbrushes, and the like.
Having to clean out your medicine cabinet can be done on a yearly basis as long as you replace or throw out those items which are outdated or no longer useable during the year. It isn’t so bad, right? Ensure you have enough band aids; ointments; and other necessary items you may need, especially if you have children.
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